At Crittenden County Animal Clinic, we offer an array of specialized services to ensure proper diagnoses and care for our patients.
Services we offer include:

Preventative Care
Crittenden County Animal Clinic believes that prevention is the best form of medicine and, therefore, offers complete preventative care services. We work closely with owners to determine and decide the most appropriate treatment for their pets.
Vaccinations • Coggins Testing • Nutritional Counseling • Strategic Deworming • Wellness Examination • Fecal Egg Count • Oral Care • Flea and Tick Prevention • Heartworm Testing and Prevention
Senior Care
Senior pets require different care as they age, as they are more susceptible to different diseases and health problems. Our care ensures your pet will continue to live a comfortable, happy life.
Wellness Examination (with an emphasis on conditions and diseases that specifically affect senior animals) • Oral Examination with an emphasis on evaluation and treatment of Periodontal Disease • Strategic Deworming • PPID Screenings • Hospice and Euthanasia Services
Dentistry and Oral Care
Dentistry and oral care are important for the overall health of the pet. Pets with regular dental care tend to live longer and healthier lives.
Oral Examinations • Power Floats • Tooth Extraction • Evaluation of and Treatment for Proper Dental Alignment • Evaluation of and Treatment of Periodontal Disease
Certified Chiropractic Care for Equine and Small Animals
Chiropractic care is important to the overall health and wellness of a pet. Crittenden County Animal Clinic offers certified chiropractic care for small and large animals.
Lameness and Sports Medicine
Crittenden County Animal Clinic offers quality lameness exams and medicine for the equine athletes of Western Kentucky and surrounding areas.
Soundness Examinations • Radiographs • Joint Injections • Chiropractic Care
Digital Radiology (X-Ray)
Crittenden County Animal Clinic uses state-of-the-art digital radiology to obtain information about the bones and joints of the animals, as well as internal structures of small animals.
Equine Pre-Purchase Exam
A pre-purchase exam is a veterinarian check that ensures the horse you are buying meets your needs. In a pre-purchase exam, a veterinarian evaluates the overall health of the horse. This includes checking the horse’s temperature, pulse, respiration, conformation and the horse’s health history. The veterinarian will also conduct a lameness assessment.
Equine Podiatry
Equine podiatry is simply the care of a horse’s hoof. Podiatry treats hoof injuries, hoof infections, hoof abnormalities, hoof wounds and lameness that is a result of the hoof.
Reproductive Services
Crittenden County Animal Clinic offers advanced reproductive services to a variety of horses. We strive to make the breeding, gestation, birth and foaling process easy for the horse and its owner.
Reproductive Examinations • Pregnancy Verifications • Artificial Inseminations • Mare and New Foal Examinations • Foal Vaccinations
Surgical Procedures
Crittenden County Animal Clinic performs surgical procedures including spays, neuters, a variety of orthopedic and soft tissue small animal surgeries castrations, enucleations, and lacerations.
Digital Ultrasonography
Crittenden County Animal Clinic offers digital ultrasounds to obtain information about soft tissues structures, internal organs, and pregnancy verification of the pet. This service is offered in-house.
Internal Medicine
Crittenden County Animal Clinic uses internal medicine to determine and treat a variety of diseases for small and large animals. Internal medicine cases can lend themselves to needing a variety of in-house tools and specialty referral labs and centers.
In-House Diagnostic Lab
The Crittenden County Animal Clinic facility is equipped with a state-of-the-art diagnostic lab. With an in-house lab, we can determine your pet’s problem faster and provide treatment quicker. This also allows us to offer continued quality care throughout treatment and future care.
Dermatology & Allergy Care
Crittenden County Animal Clinic offers specialized dermatology and allergy care to treat your pet’s skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin issues could be secondary symptoms of other untreated diseases. We strive to diagnose and treat your pet before the infection or allergy worsens.
Emergency Services
Crittenden County Animal Clinic offers 24-hour emergency care for our clients. Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach us anytime at 270-965-2257.